Creatures Near & Far
On April 22nd, during our Wild Earth Day Celebration, we will be joined by 7 global animal ambassadors. These animals, though not all native to the state of Colorado, intend to teach people about the importance of conservation, habitat restoration, diversity of wildlife, and encourage human-wildlife appreciation. Thanks to our friends & partners over at Nature’s Educators - we are lucky enough to be joined by a Gyr-Saker Falcon, Frilled Lizard, Eurasian Eagle-Owl, Cane Toad, Bark Scorpion, Chaco Golden-knee Tarantula, and Kingsnake.
Considering Wild Bear Nature Center’s specialization in local ecology, we would like to highlight seven Colorado-based species comparable to the ambassadors listed above.
Brown-Headed Cowbird Game
Many of the games that we play at Wild Bear are created to illustrate a concept found in nature. Through this form of performance, we are able to make connections and understand the world around us in a deeper way than only reading about it in a book or watching a video. Also, it’s fun!
Make a Seasonal Mandala!
Creating a nature mandala is a sweet way of honoring the seasons. These types of traditions help us embrace seasonal changes and learn more about the natural rhythms of life!
Pikas of the Peaks
“Eeekk, eeek” hearing this high pitched alarm call from our small mammal friends, the American Pika (Ochotona princeps) from nearby talus fields is a common joy of many high alpine hikers and enthusiasts of the Rocky Mountains. The beloved Pika is known for it’s high elevation lifestyle that comes with some pretty great perks.
All That The Water Brings
Pitter, patter, pitter, patter. We’ve been hearing the many sounds of rain, snow, and rushing waters of local creeks this spring. We can sometimes find ourselves yearning for nothing more than a sun filled hot day once the resorts have closed and we feel winter has truly ended. However, part of our high elevation life comes with the unpredictable nature of the Rocky Mountains’ weather, especially in the spring. It can be helpful while stuck inside on a rainy day to remember the wonders that the incoming water brings to our entire community. The natural world and our lives would be nothing without the life giving compound.
Take a Walk in the Woods of Mud Lake with Founder, Jill Dreves
Join Wild Bear's Jill Dreves in a fun and adventurous nature discovery in your own backyard. We ARE nature!
Moose on the Loose!
As Nederland residents often notice, the Shiras Moose (Alces alces shirasi) is quite prolific not only in our beautiful town and local wilderness areas but across most of the state, especially during the spring to summer seasons.
Milly the Millipede Shows You Math
Meet Milly the Millipede and she will lead your though a math lesson! Can you figure out how many legs she has?
Citizen Science Opportunities
Learn more about Citizen Science and how you can play an important role by participating in scientific by watching this video.
Create Your Own: Lifecycle of a Butterfly
Create your own step by step diagram of a butterfly’s life cycle as it transforms through the incredible process of metamorphosis.
Winter Scavenger Hunt
Use this bingo board while hiking local trails, or exploring your own yard!
Grow a Tree from a Pinecone
What is a Pinecone? Pine trees are CONIFEROUS, that is, they are cone-bearing.
Wild Bear Nature Bingo
Use this bingo board while hiking local trails, or exploring your own yard!
What Animal Made These Tracks?
In partnership with the Winter Wildlands Alliance, Wild Bear has created a fantastic video all about animal tracks! This video is most appropriate for students within the 3rd-5th grade range. For more engaging activities by Winter Wildlands Alliance partners, visit the SnowSchool at Home webpage.