What does it mean to be on Wild Bear’s
Board of Directors?
Our board is comprised of good hearted and generous people from throughout the region. They want to give back to the community in a meaningful way. They come from all backgrounds, with expertise and passion to move Wild Bear Nature Center to the next great place. They want to be part of a rising ship, leaving a positive legacy for generations to come.
Check out the details and reach out to our Chief Executive Officer, Nathan Smallwood (nathan@wildbear.org) or Wild Bear’s Board Chair, John Farrell (john@wildbear.org), OR fill out an application using the button below!
I rejoined the Wild Bear board in 2022 after serving in a number of capacities during 2014-2018 including vice chair and building development committee chair. My involvement is driven by a deep commitment to Wild Bear’s mission of fostering a lifelong connection to nature, as well as a deep respect and admiration for the profound impact Wild Bear has had on the lives of so many people over the past nearly three decades.
I believe the construction of Wild Bear’s new nature center at Mud Lake will allow us to expand our mission and impact a broader and more diverse population across the Front Range, and am excited to work with the rest of the board and our tremendous staff and volunteers to make this state-of-the art facility and community asset a reality.
My commitment to the local community began in the 1990s while receiving my Ph.D. in chemistry at the University of Colorado. I currently live in Morrison Colorado and work at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden.
I spend every spare moment in nature, either climbing in the mountains, canyoneering in the Colorado Plateau, or recharging at a much slower pace just about anywhere the opportunity presents itself.
I am a few months shy of being a born-and-raised Coloradan, having moved to the state just before my first birthday. Since then, I’ve gotten around… including stints in Maine, Scotland, Sweden, Washington (both the state and DC), Vietnam, France, and Australia before settling down back in Colorado.
With an undergraduate degree in Sociology and Economics, an MBA, and an MA in Cultural Studies, I have – perhaps overzealously – pursued my personal passion for learning. While on the job, I continue the theme by working on educational products at Google. My belief that education has the power to make the world better is what originally drove me to join the board of Wild Bear in 2018.
While not working or volunteering (and especially when the sun is shining), I can usually be found with my wife and dog, doing all the usual things that Coloradans enjoy: skiing, biking, hiking, climbing, paddling, and drinking good beer.
I am very passionate about the outdoors. From hiking to biking to skiing, I feel that the outdoors are a treasure that should be protected. I grew up in Ohio and outdoor activity and nature preservation were not part of my youth experience. Upon moving to Colorado, I realized what wonders nature can hold and I want to share that preserve that wonder for future generations. I am involved with Wild Bear because its mission of education and preservation is something that I deeply care about.
I am a retired CEO renowned for building a successful company from the ground up. With a robust career in leadership, I have also made significant contributions to the nonprofit sector, demonstrating a deep commitment to community service and philanthropy. Growing up, and growing my business in the Midwest, I developed a strong work ethic and a passion for helping others, which have been hallmarks of my career. I moved to Colorado 12 years ago and am in love with the mountains and the natural beauty of the region. An avid nature lover, I enjoy spending time outdoors, and supporting causes that benefit children and families. I feel it is extremely important to educate our children, and adults, about nature and how we must appreciate, protect, and enjoy our environment.
Alex Kosseff
She/Her | AKA Katydid
I’ve lived in Boulder since 2001 when my husband, Bob, and I moved from London with our two boys. I’m a retired Respiratory Therapist, I worked in San Francisco and Omaha. Now I spend most of my time working on learning Spanish, volunteering to benefit children, nature, and the LGBTQ community.
I joined the WB board in March 2023.
My hobbies include sewing, pottery, and in the winter you will find me snowboarding with the Women’s Program at Eldora! Travel is the hobby that Bob enjoy together. In particular we like to travel to Brooklyn to visit our grown sons & to Latin America to practice speaking Spanish.
The single overarching responsibility of non-profit Board of Directors is to build an effective organization, fiscally healthy and mission-aligned.
1. Select, encourage, advise, evaluate, compensate, and (if needed) replace Executive Director
2. Discuss, review, and approve strategic directions and plan, taking long-term view.
3. Monitor performance regularly and assess against agreed-on goals
4. Ensure the organization operates responsibly and effectively. This includes avoiding conflicts of interest, complying with ethical and legal standards, and ensuring proper controls are in place to monitor financials
5. Act on specific policy recommendations and mobilize support for decisions taken, especially controversial ones
6. Provide a buffer for Executive Director - “take some of the heat”
7. Ensure organization has adequate resources (human and financial) to pursue strategies and achieve objectives
8. Nominate suitable candidates for election to board and establish/carry out effective system of governance
I understand that as a member of the Board of Directors of Wild Bear Nature Center, I have a legal and moral responsibility to ensure that the organization does the best work possible in pursuit of its mission, vision, and goals. I believe in the purpose and mission of Wild Bear, and I will strive to meet my responsibilities.
1. I will be an ambassador for Wild Bear to the public, media, and donors.
2. I will take an active role in fundraising.
3. I will meet attendance requirements for board meetings per the Bylaws.
4. I will actively participate on at least one committee and attend (virtually or in person) all required committee meetings, retreats or special events.
5. I will make an annual meaningful personal financial contribution to the organization as well as a meaningful pledge to the capital campaign.
6. I will act in the best interest of Wild Bear and recuse myself from discussions and votes as required by the organization’s conflict of interest policy.
7. I will take responsibility for staying informed about current issues and priorities, making informed decisions, and voicing concerns.
8. I will work to promote Wild Bear’s long-term sustainability.
9. I will work collaboratively and respectfully with other board members, staff, and volunteers to achieve our goals and will reflect Wild Bear’s core values in how I engage with others
10. I will make every effort to fulfill my three-year commitment to serve on the Wild Bear Board and will work with the Board Chair to overcome any obstacles.
11. I will strive to find a replacement when I leave the Board of Directors
12. I will abide by the Board’s policy for communicating with staff appropriately
13. If I do not fulfill these commitments, I recognize the Board Chair may remove me from the board.
In turn, I understand and agree that Wild Bear Nature Center has the following responsibilities towards its Board Members:
1. I will be kept informed; I will be provided the documents, policies, and information needed to make good decisions, and no information will be intentionally withheld from board members.
2. I will have opportunities to discuss the organization’s programs, goals and financial status with the Executive Director and other board members.
3. I will be provided answers from board members and staff to any questions that are necessary to carry out my fiscal, legal, and moral responsibilities.
4. I will have on-demand access to all policies, strategic plans, past meeting minutes and financial reports.
5. If Wild Bear does not fulfill its commitments to me, I can communicate with the Board Chair.